Sold out…again!

Sold out…again!

We are over the moon & unbelievably grateful for the wonderful reception our Lulla doll is receiving! We sold out on the 27th of July and our second production had not even arrived to the distribution center.

We have now sold 35.000 Lullas, both trough our page on Indiegogo and to our distributors. Amazing and far beyond what we could have imagined!

We are now working tirelessly on expanding our production line and making sure we can meet the growing demand for our special project that is so near and dear to our hearts. We are now accepting pre-orders for an October production of the beloved Lulla dolls. If you purchased your Lulla doll on Indiegogo please see further updates here.

We sent Lulla dolls to our distributors in Australia and New Zealand and they will arrive in September. If you are in that area please check out their pages for pre-ordering. All of you in the UK can also expect a small stock of Lulla´s to be available in Kiddicare + John Lewis in the last weeks of August. They are also taking pre-orders in their sites.

Also in Blog

Ujjayi Breathing and Grounding with Kids
Ujjayi Breathing and Grounding with Kids

Eva Dögg, yoga instructor, tells us about Ujjayi breath in this blog and teaches us the Ujjayi breath (ocean breath) Lulla doll plays. The blog also includes a longer session with grounding, breathing and meditation that kids can participate in.

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Baby sleeping through the night

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Preemie month 2019

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